Top 6 digital marketing trends that will dominate 2018

The scope for digital marketing has infinite possibilities when it comes to promoting or advertising products and services. Anything and everything that is widely accepted and also dominates a particular industry become the trend of that year.
There’s a change which is witnessed by the digital marketing world and here are a few trends which will dominate 2018:
  • Live Videos
  • People today are more inclined towards live videos and also want quality in them.
  • Advertisement views on a live video have a 113 per cent year-on-year growth.
  • Going live will be a major part of the digital marketing in 2018.
  • Social Media Influencer Marketing
  • It has been observed that influencer marketing is having positive results when buying products online.
  • It is going to be the trendsetter in 2018.
  • Enhanced Graphics
  • If we want to make an impact on people digitally then images are the best form of communication.
  • Also, information is retained more when it is in the form of visual content.
  • Social Media Analytics
  • Social media experts are doing their best to remove irrelevant advertisements and content from the websites to give the consumers a very seamless experience.
  • Analytics has advanced and in 2018 you will get personalized content as a result of changing trends that will dominate in the coming years.
  • Encryption
  • Digital comes along with encryption and the people who make a living out of decrypting it (hacking).
  • A major challenge faced by the digital marketing pundits is a better, more secure and encrypted system that will dominate the others in 2018.
  • Virtual Assistance
  • It is the deal-breaker when chatbots are the next big thing in the coming years.
  • 85 percent of customer service interactions will be handled by bots.
  • Financially speaking, savings made from opting for virtual assistance, will also reach up to $8 billion by 2022.

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