Duroflex Mattresses launch ‘Yawn off Sleep on’ campaign


Gearing up for the upcoming ‘World Sleep Day’ (13th March 2020), Duroflex Mattresses has launched #YawnOffSleepOn campaign, asking everyone to send them their yawns so that they can in return send good sleep.


Being a customer centric and caring brand, Duroflex is trying to spread awareness on the importance of sleep. They are urging the people to listen to their yawns and focus on their sleep by making a commitment to develop healthy sleep habits.


Through this campaign, the brand is encouraging people across the country to share their funny yawn videos. The most entertaining yawn videos are set to win a premium mattress from Duroflex and also stand a chance to get featured on the brand’s social media pages.


Smita Murarka, VP Marketing, Duroflex Mattresses, states that the core idea behind this campaign is to spread awareness that yawning is a sign of sleep deprivation and it isn’t just one person’s problem.


Thus, it can be concluded that Duroflex aims to reach out to maximum number of people across the country and develop a strong connect with them along with spreading awareness about importance of good sleep. Now that’s a classic marketing gimmick played well!





Bitly: https://bit.ly/2Q2CgfC

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