Apple is planning to set up its own online store by Diwali. It will initially start its online store by selling iPhone SE which will be manufactured in India and the product portfolio will be expanded as it grows the local production to other models.
For Apple, around 50-55 percent of the iPhones sold in India is generated from online sales as compared to the industry average of 30 percent. Apple will not compete on price with online marketplaces for the products it sells through its own online store.
Instead, Apple plans to differentiate its online store in India from marketplaces like Amazon and Flipkart by offering value-added services such as laser engraving to personalize the handset, sell models or variants which are exclusive such as a dedicated model, colour option or storage space, the executive said.
The brick-and-mortar Apple Stores in India will be limited in number and the company is looking at 4-5 such flagship outlets. The offline stores will initially come up in the metros.
Source: http://bit.ly/2p0gSvM
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