Marketing strategies for Tech Start-up

Key Takeaways:

  • The world of tech Start-up.
  • Before marketing, what should a tech Start-up do?
  • What is Digital Marketing, and how to get started?
  • Email Marketing.

A Tech Start-up is a business that focuses on bringing new technology or repurposing existing technology products or services to market with the goal of finding a consistent and sustainable business model. They aim to rule a market by utilizing technology developments that their competitors are yet to adopt. Many Venture capital firms and tech investors have a bird’s eye overview of the tech industry, looking for the new concepts that a Start-up may put into reality. The core of Start-up has more to do with innovativeness, scalability, and growth, and these organizations have made technology a normal aspect of their development and market research.

The world of a tech Start-ups is a cutthroat business. Traditional marketing strategies are still preferred by many entrepreneurs over current digital Start-up marketing tactics. All marketing techniques have shifted significantly as a result of technological advancements, and the emphasis on online content marketing services has switched drastically towards digital marketing advertisements, limitless content development, and placement. In recent years, there has been a spike in technical developments that have quickly spread over the world. As a result, smart marketing methods are far more than required in Tech Start-ups. Every concept has a unique journey, and if the potential buyers can relate to it, half the job is done. Telling the audience how their Tech Start-up came up with the idea, how they overcame obstacles, and how they got to where they are now.

This article will discuss various marketing techniques that contribute to attracting people’s attention, introducing the brand, overcoming any difficulties in the process, and also allowing penetration into new markets.

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What should Tech Start-up do before Marketing?

The first step in marketing is to avoid marketing altogether. This may seem odd at first, but it is the real technique that puts some Tech Start-ups ahead of the competition. Even if marketing strategies are necessary to raise brand awareness, grow an audience, and convert them into consumers in a Tech Start-up, it will not be sufficient. To be successful, marketing strategies must first build an impression of why the brand is special, how it will address consumers’ problems, how it will bring value to their lives, and where they would lack if they do not engage completely with the brand.

Before beginning with the marketing strategies, below are some of the things business should take care of:

1.  Explain the ‘Why’ question
What their firm does exactly is one of the many inquiries that people are likely to encounter at any business or casual gathering? It’s a hard question because the answer will determine whether or not the other individual is interested in the brand and its services. Even when a potential client comes across a brand, they are curious about the objective of whatever it is that they are doing. The best method to leave an impression is to share the experiences. Whether the tech Start-up is addressing a societal issue or fixing a problem that someone has encountered before, simply telling the story of how the company idea came to be in action or what the real picture behind the business is can resonate with the audience.

2. Select a Market
There are a lot of inventive, cutting-edge new enterprises in the Start-up world. To make any marketing efforts successful, the company must first identify its target market, understand its preferences, and aim to maximize conversions.

Before deciding on a market, the following four factors must be considered.

a) Market Size:
Company must estimate a number for their possible customers, whether they’re targeting a regional population, males or females, or children.

b)Market Wealth:
Company must determine whether its primary audience has the financial means to purchase its products.

c) Market Rivalry:
Company must determine the extent of the market’s competition.

3. Develop Buyer Personas
After conducting extensive market research and examining existing consumers, a buyer persona is a semi-fictional portrayal of a company’s ideal customer. Before beginning tech Start-up marketing, a buyer persona is required, otherwise, the company would be marketing to an audience that isn’t interested in their product. Building a buyer persona and targeting any future marketing actions toward customers that fit into the buyer persona will generate far better results.

4. Choose the Keywords – Content Marketing
One of the most significant parts of the marketing plan has been content marketing. In recent years, the way people look for information has evolved dramatically. People look for content that is appropriate to them on the internet. Companies are being forced to actively observe and react to change as a result of the digital hunt for information, and to get the most out of it, the company needs to master its SEO strategies. Even though there are several strategies to improve SEO, the most common strategy is to use the right keywords for their business. Keywords are crucial for succeeding at SEO in the virtual environment since they ultimately attract the most traffic to the website and content. The transformation from advertising to effective content creation necessitates organizational reforms. Material marketing is a catchphrase for this trend, and it refers to companies releasing relevant content rather than advertising and promotion.

5. Make a Financial Plan
Finally, when all is said and done, it all comes down to money. What matters, in the end, is how much money a company has to invest in tech Start-up marketing. They could do a hundred things to promote their Start-up, but the question is if they have that much money to spend. As a result, the company must define the regions of their Start-up, prioritize the most critical marketing activities, determine which activities will provide the greatest return on investment, and allocate their budget accordingly.

What is Digital Marketing and how to get started?

Digital marketing, often known as online marketing, is the marketing of brands through the internet and other kinds of digital communication in order to engage with potential clients. Digital marketing is the method of businesses using online media channels to promote their products, services, and identities. Advertising delivered through digital channels such as search engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile apps is referred to as digital marketing. Consumers use digital tools to do a lot of their product research. Digital marketing comprises various marketing tactics that can be carried out digitally. Tech Start-ups deal with technology products and services because technology and the digital world are inextricably linked. Tech Start-up must enhance their digital marketing efforts and leave no questions unanswered in order to get the most out of their tech Start-up marketing.

Here are a few recommendations to help the perfect digital marketing strategy as a Tech Start-up:

  1. Choose the most ideal time to Post
    Knowing the target audience, which platforms they prefer to use, and what time of day they prefer to use will aid the company in determining the optimal time to post content. This research will assist them in getting the most out of their social media effort.

  2. Collaborate with Influencers on Social Media
    A social media influencer is somebody who has built a significant and dedicated following on popular social media networks by providing engaging content. If an influencer is supposed to be chosen from the company’s niche, they will have a target audience that is identical to the company’s current goods or services. Influencer marketing is one of the most efficient social media marketing methods for Start-ups. When influencers recommend things, their fans are more likely to purchase them as well. Connecting with social media influencers that have the same preferences as the company’s target audience or who are keen on the kind of items offered by the business is a great approach to advertise the Start-up and product on social media. Influencers already have a large following among the target audience of the Start-up, so it makes more sense to leverage their brand value to appeal to the right people.

  3. Create a Blog
    Following blogging best practices will help the Start-up to reach unexplored audiences who aren’t as engaged on other social media sites. Starting a tech blog not only helps with SEO but also helps the Start-up position itself as an expert in the field. A blog can be created using WordPress, a free and simple blogging platform that allows the publication of blogs and includes numerous plugins. Designing a blog with value-driven and well-written articles that effectively uses the proper keywords can attract the target audience and help to take benefit of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

  4. Build Backlinks
    Organic marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are essential elements of digital marketing. In order to achieve this, tech companies need actively adjust their SEO strategy to be more topic-centric rather than keyword-centric. The more seed keywords and long-tail keywords a company uses to target a specific topic or specialty, the more knowledge they’ll show. Getting active with keywords alone, on the other hand, will not be enough to create competence and attract visitors. Building backlinks is an important part of a Start-up’s content strategy. Obtaining backlinks, which are a crucial ranking factor for Google, is one of the most effective strategies to increase the website’s trustworthiness and authenticity. Furthermore, sharing the material across all social media channels will allow it to reach a larger audience and get more backlinks.

  5. Believe in Data
    Data is already valuable to Tech entrepreneurs in their business and technical judgments. Similarly, when it comes to digital marketing, they must use analytical tools to analyse critical data regarding their campaigns’ efficacy. Google Analytics may be used to track the success of their organic marketing activities, while Google AdWords can be used to investigate the effectiveness of their online ads. They make effective digital marketing selections based on which ads are performing, which content subjects are getting popularity, which platform is producing better results, and so on.

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Email Marketing

The process of sending emails to a specific audience of potential consumers with the purpose of increasing sales is known as email marketing. It’s a very effective technique since it establishes a trustworthy channel of communication between the company and its customers. Email newsletters are used to communicate to the audience to keep them up to date on the current information and news about the company’s products, services, or company as a whole. They also allow marketers to collect email addresses via form submissions. Email marketing allows the company to build a personal connection with the audience that can’t be achieved from any other medium. Because this platform is one of the most efficient Tech Start-up marketing channels, marketing experts recommend using email newsletter solutions to fully realise the potential of email marketing. Only when the audience is expecting an email from the brand or has willingly subscribed to its material is email marketing profitable. If the goal of the Start-up marketing plan is to increase brand awareness and immediate sales using email marketing campaigns, it will almost certainly fail. It’s also critical to constantly send out interesting and engaging information via email marketing campaigns, particularly personalised material.


Following the stages outlined above, a company can build a strong Start-up brand and implement a Start-up marketing plan. Many other types of businesses, including Tech Start-ups, have used this marketing strategy. When it comes to this sort of marketing, there are no set rules, which makes it ideal for up-and-coming tech companies, permitting them to attempt whatever works and do things that the other businesses wouldn’t think of. There are a few aspects to consider when making a decision to adopt the best marketing methods for a Tech Start-up. A Start-up just needs to focus on the essentials, such as increasing its social media following. When promoting items or services, they must identify their target audience’s wants and be creative. The eventual aim should be to establish long-term and successful relationships with current and new customers by differentiating their brand from the competitors. Even the great plans can fail miserably owing to a lack of customer knowledge and media coverage. A well-prepared Start-up marketing strategy, on the other hand, could make a massive difference if implemented with research and focus.

Alisha Singh

Content writer

Disha Bhanushali

Graphic designer

Dharmit Rane


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